Finnphobia no. 5.0

Finnphobia no. 5.0

15.07.2010 - 20:00

David Kozma (FIN) | Romulus Chiciuc (RO)

Finnphobia no 5.0 centers on Finland, the Finnish language and the Finns. The show is a modern auditory performance that reveals the particularity of the Finnish people through their language. Its multi-layered, vocal and visual presentation combines music with the work of interesting Finnish poets.

Finland becomes an atmospheric sound text, a screen that expands its emotional thresholds and dilutes its status until you hear the pulse of biorhythm that goes under your skin. Salla Kozma is the type of performer who, without moving from a bar stool, drinking from time to time a sip of beer, succeeds to fascinate the audience. Her body is a stream of viscerally shapes sounds, sounds shaped under your own eyes with an amazing skill of changing the infections of her voice sometime as a child, sometime as a soprano.

European Theatre Collective was established in the autumn of 2006 as an European forum for drama. Members of the group are theatre professionals from Finland, Denmark, Norway and Romania. Their aim is to export the dramatic tradition of their country to other countries in Europe and to bring something refreshing to the stage by creating a melting-pot of cultures.

DirectorDavid Kozma
CostumeMaija Poskiparta
MusicRomulus Chiciuc
WithSalla Kozma
ProductionEuropean Theatre Company (FIN), Monday Theatre @ Green Hours (RO)